How do I cancel my subscription?

iOS Devices (iPhone, iPad)

To cancel your app subscription on an iOS device, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Settings app: Locate and tap on the "Settings" icon on your home screen.

  2. Tap on your name: At the top of the Settings menu, tap on your name to access your Apple ID and iCloud settings.

  3. Select "Subscriptions": Scroll down and tap on "Subscriptions" to view your active and expired subscriptions.

  4. Find the subscription: Look for the app subscription you want to cancel and tap on it.

  5. Cancel Subscription: Tap on "Cancel Subscription" or "Cancel Free Trial" at the bottom of the screen. Follow any additional prompts to confirm the cancellation.

Note: If you don’t see the "Subscriptions" option, you might need to tap "iTunes & App Store" first, then tap your Apple ID, choose "View Apple ID," sign in if necessary, and then scroll down to "Subscriptions."

Android Devices (Google Play Store)

To cancel your app subscription on an Android device, you will use the Google Play Store:

  1. Open the Google Play Store app: Find and tap on the Google Play Store app icon on your device.

  2. Tap on your profile icon: This is located in the top right corner of the screen.

  3. Select "Payments & subscriptions": From the menu that appears, tap on "Payments & subscriptions."

  4. Tap on "Subscriptions": This will display a list of all your current and past subscriptions.

  5. Find the subscription: Scroll through the list until you find the subscription you wish to cancel.

  6. Cancel Subscription: Tap on the subscription, then select "Cancel Subscription" and follow the prompts to confirm your cancellation.

Remember, cancelling a subscription will stop the future monthly charges associated with that subscription. However, you will still have access to the subscription's benefits until the end of the current billing period.