Stay Safe on the App: Essential Safety Tips

Staying safe while exploring connections on the app is crucial. Here's a straightforward guide to help you navigate safely.

Financial Safety: Don’t Send Money

If someone asks you for money or financial details, it's a scam. Always. Block and report them immediately. This helps us remove them and protect you and others.

Personal Information: Share with Care

Be careful about giving out your phone number or email. If you don’t know someone well, keep conversations within the app. It’s the safest way to communicate.

Be Skeptical of Certain Chat Apps

Scammers like using chat apps like Hangouts and KIK. If someone pushes to move the conversation there, it’s a red flag. Stay on our app where it's safer.

Watch Out for Fake Profiles

Military profiles claiming love from afar, especially from peacekeeping missions, are typically scams. If it feels too fast or too far-fetched, trust your instincts and block them.

More Tips for Your Safety

  • Strong Passwords: Use a strong, unique password for your app account.

  • Public Meetings: Always meet in public places for the first few times and let someone know where you'll be.

  • Trust Your Gut: If something doesn't feel right, it probably isn't. Don't hesitate to end a conversation or report a profile.

  • Stay Updated: Keep yourself informed about online safety practices and be aware of common scams.

How to Report Concerns

If you see suspicious behavior, report it. Use the app’s reporting features or contact support directly. Your reports are anonymous and essential for keeping the app a safe space.

Remember, your safety is important. By following these tips and using the reporting tools, you're helping create a safer community for everyone.